
Friday, October 26, 2012

Announcements for Palmer's Class


APEX FUN RUN Challenge: Everyone needs to log into their child’s account and select the size for their child’s FREE t-shirt!! Also we have won our first prize. Monday will be No Shoes Day!!! Students must wear shoes to school and PE, but the rest of the day…. No Shoes!!! How fun!!!!

Next week is Parent conferences. I will send you a reminder for your conference!!
Tuesday is Rectangle Show-n-Tell
Wednesday is Spirit Shirt Day!! And Square Show-n-Tell
Thursday is Parent Conference Day!!Library Day! Also Circle Show-n-Tell and Motion Show-n-Tell!! (Lots to remember on Thursday)
Friday is Fun Run!!!!!! Get those pledges in and earn more prizes and incentives!! Friday is also Mock Election Day!!! GFAA students get to vote for President!!

Wow!!! What a great week ahead at GFAA!!!

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