
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Johnny Appleseed Day

Friday, Sept. 28, is Dress like Johnny Applesee Day. What does he dress like? Google Images will tell you!! Have fun!!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Mask and Sunglasses Day!!

This week at school we have been learning about the letters Mm and Ss. To celebrate, this Friday, September 21st, your child can wear a non-scary mask or a pair of sunglasses to school. We cannot wait to see their mask or sunglasses!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Environmental Print

Next week, we will be talking about Environmental Print. Start looking around your house and neighborhood for things your child can read, like McDonald’s, Chick-fil-A, Target, Cheerios, Lunchables………. The list is endless!!! Cut out those words and start sending them to school in the STAR Binder.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Supplies Request

The Kindergarteners will be making their own violins! If you have extra Kleenex boxes and/or empty toilet paper or paper towel rolls, PLEASE bring them next week! She would really appreciate it!

Free Books

When you purchase two specially marked Kellogg's products or one Kellogg's Tri-Pack at Walmart you'll receive a coupon for a FREE book of your choice from Scholastic (up to a $5 value)! Find more information at